Lojra me motorra me gara

Friday, March 2, 2012

Instruksionet e lojes me motorra me gara.

Hapi 1 - Prit sa te ngarkohet loja, 5 sekonda
Hapi 2 - Kliko te SINGLE PLAYER
Hapi 3 - Zgjidh ngjyrat e veshjes dhe te BIKE mund te zgjedhesh motorr te ri
Hapi 4 - Kliko te RACE, dhe zgjidh pisten qe do te besh garen. Vetem 2 pistat e para jane te lira, te tjerat zhbllokohen nese fitoni
Hapi 5 - Kliko mbi pisten qe doni te luani.
Hapi 6 - Perdorni butonat me shigjeta te tastiera per te levizur.

Game instruction:
Step 1 - Wait for the game to load, 5 seconds
Step 2 - Select "Single player"
Step 3 - Customize your character and the bike.
Step 4 - Click on RACE.
Step 5 - Click on the race you want to play, some are locked and can be unlocked if you win on the first two races.
Step 6 - Use the arrow keys to move the bike.


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